systole|systoles in English


[sys·to·le || 'sɪstəlɪ]

regular contraction of the heart; shortening of a naturally long syllable (Prosody)

Use "systole|systoles" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "systole|systoles" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "systole|systoles", or refer to the context using the word "systole|systoles" in the English Dictionary.

1. Bruits are “swishing” sounds heard over major arteries during systole or, less commonly, systole and diastole

2. Cardiac Cycle a complete cardiac movement, or heart beat, including systole, diastole, and the intervening pause

3. Bruits confined to systole are relatively common, however, and do not necessarily signify occlusive disease

4. Agallop occurring when diastole is so shortened by tachycardia thattherapidventricular fillingphase merges withauricular systole is called " indeterminate " gallop.

5. This appears to "function as a decompression chamber during left ventricular systole and during other periods when left atrial pressure is high".

6. While Auscultating over the femoral arteries it is possible to hear a pistol shot sound both during systole and during diastole

7. Atrioventricular valves: These valves separate the atria from the ventricles on each side of the heart and prevent backflow from the ventricles into the atria during systole

8. 21 Conclusion Intravaginal misoprostol may be an effective and safe method for induction of labor after artificial rupture of membranes,[] misoprostol can accelerate cervical ripeness and uterus systole.

9. Abdominal Bruits are murmurs heard during auscultation of the abdomen. Like any murmur generated outside the four heart chambers, abdominal Bruits may extend beyond the confines of the first and second heart sounds from systole into diastole (i.e., they may be “continuous”; see Chapter 39).

10. Bruits are audible above the inguinal crease Femoral Bruits are audible in the thigh: A femoral bruit audible during systole and diastole is diagnostic for arteriovenous [] A physical exam in our laboratory identifies any diminished wrist or foot pulses or the presence of supraclavicular or femoral Bruits.